Natural Ways To Relieve Hypertension And Manage High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure Herbal Treatment
A number of people suffer from sudden increase in blood pressure and this can be a life threatening condition, as most of the cases of strokes and deaths happen due to sudden rise in blood pressure. Unanticipated and unnoticed rise in blood pressure happens due to blockages, poor heart conditions and it can be caused by certain triggers such as stress, high salt foods, medication, smoking or other medical conditions. Such rise in blood pressure causes symptoms - shortness of breath, tightening of chest, temporary loss of sensation in the arms and legs etc. People who constantly suffer from high blood pressure may also suffer from sudden headaches, impaired vision, dizziness and difficulty in maintaining body balance. The modern lifestyle with high dependency on junk foods should be avoided to restrict the symptoms, and one should include unsaturated fats, fruits and vegetables in diet to manage high blood pressure.

Some people suffer from hardening of arteries and obstruction in the inner blood vessels caused by plaque depositions and these factors can be regulated by taking certain natural ways to relieve hypertension e.g. Stresx capsules. This herbal treatment for high blood pressure can cause increase in blood pressure by the stimulation of the nervous system which causes vaso constriction. A study in US adults suffering from hypertension revealed there were no particular cause for a raise in blood pressure and these types of conditions were categorized in essential hypertension group. It was assumed that the lifestyle involving more than 70 hours of work pressure in a week, long duration transiting, managing machines, attending meetings, and trying to meet deadlines can raise stress and affect the BP. Natural ways to relieve hypertension involve the set of herbs which can regulate the central nervous system to provide protection from stress and improves pressure handling power.

Arjuna myrobalan affects the heart directly and provides protection to blood vessels. This provides protection from sodium fluoride induced oxidative stress. Its mechanism is unknown but the study claim it affects the cardiac tissues and shields the heart from catecholamine and elevated glucose levels. The study on the herb show the extract of the bark works as cardiotonic which can affect the amplitude of cell shortening - contractility of the tissues. A month's treatment with the water extract of bark was able to reduce the high BP in diabetic and normal rats during a laboratory test.

Bacopa monnieri is another ingredient in the hypertension herbal treatment - Stresx capsules which provides natural ways to relieve hypertension. It is an adaptogen which reduces the impact of stress on body. Study show it can reduce the biomarker of stress in the brain areas - hippocampus and cortex to reduce the physiological changes to control levels (with a dose of 20 to 40 mg per kg of the herb) to manage high blood pressure. Convolvulus pluricaulis is another herb in the cure which appears to have sedating effects and can reduce neuronal stress significantly when a dose of 375 to 750 mg per kg of the herb is given. A regulated dose in rats prevented stomach ulceration during cold restraint stress test.


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